Sunday, November 8, 2009

My idea about reworking a printed picture of the painting didn't work. It is just very different to working on the canvas. I have tried colored pencils, oil and wax pastels but it didn't give me any ideas. So I have dragged this canvas to my studio in the basement and there it started its transformation. It is too early to share the progress but hopefully I will be doing it soon.

There is one hurdle though. I have a large framing order to work on so only when I cut glass, mat, foam core and put it all together I will be able to get to my painting. This customer was waiting for a while with all my travelling and things. It's a drag but the job will pay for my painting classes. It also is good to know that they like the portraits I did (photography that is). Right, you guessed it, I am motivating myself to do this boring job.

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