Friday, March 19, 2010

Reflecting Pond and Its Source of Inspiration

I have been working on 'Reflecting Pond' on and off for 2 weeks. I split the process of its creation into 5 steps. It was a difficult painting by I enjoyed the journey, for the most part.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6
Reflecting Pond, 32'x 32'

This painting was inspired by Monet's waterlilies and 'Orange Grove in California' by Arthur Dove. Here they are for your reference.

I started painting keeping those two pieces in mind but the process took me to a different path so one would probably not find any resemblance to them in my work. Although, I guess, I do have a reflection in the water.

It was a challenging process as my ideas kept changing. One of the struggles was that the lower part with reflections was not coherent with the rest of the painting towards what I thought were final stages. It is especially apparent in step 4. It turned out that way because I was using different brush strokes and color handling. After quite a few hours of trying to solve this puzzle even with advice from my painting buddies and a teacher it was still not working for me. Finally, what seems to have done the trick was using connecting lines sewing two parts together and then extending some of the movement into the lower part.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Female Nude

Today was my last figure drawing class and the teacher was commenting how far I have moved along which obviously I was pleased about. I still feel that I can do better and get frustrated if I can not get a line that I want.

The method I used for the picture below is drawing on a medium value paper with graphite adding highlights towards the end with white chalk. I found it hard to use white for lighter areas. It just doesn't have the same appeal to me somehow.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Exploring dance theme

I found a book with photographs from ballet performances. This was before my trip to London where one of my friends really likes ballet so I thought I would do a painting for her. I have chosen a picture to work from and here is the initial result:

Dancers 20' x 24'

It turned out ok but I just wasn't happy with it. I made it too literal. It didn't communicate the energy of it. So I have started a different canvas taking a new approach. I have a posting of this work earlier this month but it changed since then and here is the pre-final version.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Female Model Drawing

During my last class I had just over an hour to complete this drawing. It's done in graphite with some blending achieved by the use of toilet paper, that a teacher distributed at the beginning of the class. Who would have thought that it might be useful in drawing.

I have to admit to being helped with her face.

Friday, March 5, 2010


I have worked on this piece trying to communicate the energy of a dance. My initial drawings were based on ballet movements.

Dance 30' x 30'

In the Woods

In the Woods 36' x 24'

I have completed another painting that went through a lot of transformation before it got to this stage.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Male Figure Drawing

In my figure drawing class today we had a male model doing a long pose for over an hour. Here is a result that I am reasonably happy with. This drawing was done on a paper that I toned before starting.

It's the first time I worked with this technique which I liked as one starts with mid tones and develops the drawing from there. This was a really hard pose because of the foreshortening that I was dealing with.